Mick & Tess Pulver have been using music and songs as transformational medicine and vibrational healing for over 25 years around the country in their Breakthrough programs.

And have developed a keen/intuitive sense of how to use their tools to empower individuals to live a fearless magnificent life!

In 1995, Mick merged his love of music with his passion for spirituality and personal growth to create the Breakthrough Performance Workshop in San Francisco, CA. As he began to do this work he discovered that he an innate ability to see the blocks and issues holding people back and is able to support them in a safe, yet challenging way. Because he knows music and people so well he is skilled at choosing just the right music or song to assist in releasing emotional blocks in order to bring them into a more expanded experience of themselves.

In 1980 Tess began a massage practice in New Jersey. During that time she also taught movement classes and lead healing retreats for women. In 1998, she began teaching classes in Transformative Relationships in San Francisco, CA and was also on staff with Landmark Education in New Jersey and San Francisco. Because of these experiences, Tess’s leadership and counseling skills grew dramatically over the last 30 years.